Five Year Plan – 60%…

Back in November ’08, I made a more basic list of what the plans would be for 2008/9 on the Five Year Plan.

I’m now more than halfway through that plan, which also means that  2 years from today, I’ll be 40. Shite.

Anyway, here’s the list from November ’08, along with how I’ve done with them..

  1. Sort out the mortgage renewal along with Herself (March/April) – we did this, but then didn’t actually go through with the deal, so it’ll carry through to next year
  2. Write and Launch the main site ideas that are in my head at the moment, and see how they do
    • Daily Word Challenge : launched, but not doing anything
    • Creativity Merger Site : done – but having second thoughts about it

    • Two Three other primary sites : under development
  3. Promote one of the other sites I’ve done, which has a big dollop of potentialnot done, but changed plans with it anyway
  4. Complete the NCFE Photography qualification/coursedone
  5. Redesign my photography site – considering a significant change of theme on this one
  6. Promote the photography and site more – still working on it
  7. Write at least one more big piece to get it out of my head at last – started some ideas, but not completed any of them
  8. Possibly redesign D4D™ a bit – I know, I’ve been talking about it now for years
    Oh yeah, and…
  9. Lose some weight, as my plans for doing so in 2008 have emphatically failed – primarily due to zero motivation to do so, but also due to life over-riding gym etc.  Working on it, as detailed in previous posts about weight-loss. I’m still not doing a load of gym-stuff, but the weight is going down, and I’ve lost more than a stone already.

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