Back In The Office

And after a week away from it, I’m back in the office. Yuck.

The 6am start came as an unpleasant shock, having been able to actually catch up on some sleep while away. I may have to consider moving things round a bit, so I can sleep more in the morning, go in later, and come home later. I don’t know.

The problem with that is that – as I’ve said before – my core deep sleep hours are 7-9am. If I can sleep through that period, I feel fine and caught up on sleep. However, waking up in the middle of that period wrecks me completely. So in that context, it’s probably better for me to be awake and operational earlier, as most places don’t actually like it if you don’t come in ’til 10.30 or so…

Anyway, I’m back in the office, and the day looms ahead…

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