Redesign/ Relaunch

As any observant person will have spotted, the design here at D4D™ has finally been updated.

At the same time, as per posts earlier this week, I’ve also upgraded to WordPress 2.7.1, migrated the database up to the proper level(which was a pig to do right) and moved hosts.

I’m now using a US-based hosting company, so the pages may take slightly longer to load (time will tell on that score) but it means I no longer have to worry about bandwidth, storage etc.

The changes appear to have been pretty smooth so far – the random titles are in place, the big black paragraph at the top of the page will change for certain days, (today being the first) and I feel that the colour-scheme is now decent enough that I don’t need to worry about the colour-scheme widget I wrote way back in the day.

I’ve still got to amend some other bits (the word count function, for example) and fix/resurrect a lot of the links on the blogroll, but yeah, the basics are there and I’m really quite pleased with the results.

9 Comments on “Redesign/ Relaunch”

  1. Pewari says:

    Oooo I like. Haven’t noticed any loading difference. Am now testing out your comments for you 😉

  2. Gordon says:

    Looking good on my iPhone (yeah, yeah)

  3. Gordon says:

    Hmm and on my PC (using Firefox).

    That big black box at the top is … well a little too big for the text and (personally) I’d drop the background colour down a shade or 5, make it a dark grey so it’s not quite as jarring on the eye?

    Also the D4D.. could be bigger? It’s like an afterthought up there, not enough contrast I think. My eye is drawn to the big black box, not the name of the website which I have to hunt for.

    I DO really like it over the previous design though, it’s like you realised it was 2009! 😉

  4. lyle says:

    I agree, re the black box. I need to look at it a bit and see what I’m going to do.

    Fixed the D4D bit, by the way – that’s sorted.

    And yeah, I knew it was ’09 but well, it just took time to get round to it. Like the parable of the builder and his never-completed extension…

  5. chris says:

    I Like it 🙂

  6. donald says:

    Long time lurker/reader, first time commenter. If it’s not too cheeky to ask, which host did you move to? I’m currently looking around for a new host myself and each time I think I find a decent looking one I find something bad about the company/service.

  7. lyle says:

    Not too cheeky at all.

    I went from being with in the UK to Dreamhost in the US.

    34sp come heavily recommended still – I had very very few problems with them at all – but I use Dreamhost for a few other sites as well- and their prices are ridiculously low- so it made sense to use them.

  8. Pewari says:

    It’s changed again! I still like it 🙂

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