Changing Broadband

I’ve just started off the (hopefully fairly painless) process of switching broadband providers. As we’ve been in the house a year now, I knew that the contract with BT was up, so the time was right for changing.

With BT, the broadband was costing me £25 per month for unlimited downloads etc.
With Tiscali, the same deal will be costing me £15 per month.

I know people have said that Tiscali’s customer services aren’t great, but I don’t expect to be using that side of the service much. So we’ll see how things go.

The changeover should happen in about ten days time – so if I fall off the face of the world at the end of the month, you can be sure that the first post on my return will be one cursing Tiscali and the twelve month contract I’ve just entered into…

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