Something Wrong…

There’s got to be something wrong with the picture, when you see a BSM Driving School Instructor (In his BSM-logoed car) making a total mess of a roundabout, being in the wrong lane, and then cutting up another driver (to whit, me) in order to get to the correct place.

It does make you wonder how many of that instructor’s pupils fail though…

4 Comments on “Something Wrong…”

  1. Blue Witch says:

    Personally I’d ring his head office and let them know…

    Trouble is, 99.99 recurring % of people will moan to other people but not to the person who can do something about a situation.

  2. Lyle says:

    *WAY* ahead of you, BW 🙂

    First time I’ve really found a use for a camera on a mobile phone – means the reg-plate was recorded too…

  3. Blue Witch says:


    Using phone while driving 😉

  4. Lyle says:

    Yeah, I know.
    Exceptional circumstances, coupled with
    a) being at a dead stop and
    b) a very quick ‘open the cover at the back to turn on the camera’ phone set up.

    Besides, it was useful to send in the email to BSM. 🙂

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