Mail Down

Currently, it’s looking like the mail server for is totally down. [UPDATED : The service was broken on my reseller server, rather than 34sp as a whole. It’s also now fixed.]

I can’t send or receive email at all when using their services/servers, and haven’t been able to since last night.

Calling their support line, it does amuse me that the musical hold I ended up with was the Muppets theme song. Somehow you’ve just got to love a company with that kind of humour.

2 Comments on “Mail Down”

  1. Blue Witch says:

    I love 34sp. True, they’ve annoyed my Witchy sensibilities a few times over the years, but they *always* sort things out speedily and fairly.

    Do you know about the dedicated server status page? if not. Doesn’t look like there was/is a mail server outage mind… although telephone support was not available yesterday.

  2. Lyle says:

    Yeah, I do know about – it’s dead useful.

    It looks like it was just the email service on my reseller service though, rather than 34sp as a whole. I’ll update the post to reflect that.

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