In On Time
Posted: Mon 23 June, 2008 Filed under: Driving, Travel, Weirdness 6 Comments »I forgot to post (due to spending time sorting out and cleaning up the PC I’ve been given for this assignment, so it now runs slightly quicker than the average tortoise) but I got in to the new contract on-time.
Not, however, for want of trying on the part of other road users. It just seems to have been one of those days where simple tasks like merging or changing lanes became a bit of a challenge for people, which led to one part of the journey taking nearly half an hour longer than it should have done.
The prime example of this was the section of the A11 that goes from dual-carriageway to single just after a roundabout. For some reason this morning it was block-full of bell-ends who couldn’t merge lanes. The queue went for a mile, then round the roundabout (exceptionally dodgy) and into the lane merge section. Once you’d got through that, it was plain sailing the rest of the way through the single-carriageway section, and the delay was just caused by fuckwit bastards who couldn’t cope with merging lanes. Unsurprisingly, the word “cunt” sprang forth from my lips on a couple of occasions.
The A14 and M11 were no better – on both, the outside lane came to emergency stops a couple of times for no good reason except people being incapable of the necessary multi-tasking required for a) indicating and b) changing lane.
But all told, I’d timed it so that the journey got me in to the office for 9:02am. Which wasn’t bad, considering the state of the driving that was going on around me…
Ah, you went *that* way. Ah. How long did it take?
Seeing as I’m likely to be doing at least the A11/A14 part of that journey (starting from nearly exactly the same place, too) for a couple of weeks starting in a couple of weeks time, I’d be very interested to know what time you set off and how long it took…
All told, it took me just over two hours door-to-door. Not bad, as the AA estimates that as 2hr 16mins even when >80% of drivers aren’t being shit-for-brains tossflaps.
As for Me to Cambridge, I used to leave at 6.30 to get there for 7.30, with an office right in town centre. If you leave it past 7.30 for leaving, it’ll be a good 90 minutes to get in.
From personal experience I found it to be far easier to work 7.30am to 3.30/4pm and then come home, rather than 9-5 and playing with all the other tosspots.
Oh, and on Fridays you’re better off sticking to the A14, going to Bury and then cutting up through backroads on the B1111. It adds 15 mins to the journey time, and saves an hour avoiding the nightmare that is Elveden/Center Parcs on a Friday.
ah the a14 damm crap road the m11 can be just as bad ita not the roads problem its just how people seem to drive these days on the a14 you have a avearage speed cam the speed is 70mph so why do the silly twunts want to drive at silly speeds like 50mph
If you were going past the around 7am then I reckon your tailback was a result of the temporary traffic lights due to overnight roadworks at the turnoff about half a mile into the single lane section – I got caught in the same thing last Friday and when traffic eventually got going noticed flourescently bibbed chaps putting away traffic lights at the junction.
The sooner they get that section upgraded to dual carriageway the better.
Could be, I suppose – although I didn’t notice anything like that on my way through once the fuckwits had finished playing silly-bastard games.