Joan Rivers in Sweary “Shocker”
Posted: Thu 19 June, 2008 Filed under: Cynicism, Weirdness 2 Comments »Quite why anyone would put Joan Rivers on a live show is beyond me, with her reputation for swearing and so on. But ITV’s “Loose Women” did so – not even a delay in which to put a bleep in – although Rivers thought there was a bleep system in place.
And Lo, she swears, and then gets her section cut short.
All told, though – very funny.
Our Nice Ladies have been given 20 tickets for this show. So far we’re having trouble finding more than 2 people to go because none of the rest of us have ever heard of it. Wanna ticket?
God, No. I’d ended up throwing things at them.
For Nice Lady info, it’s on ITV at about 1pm. Usually amounts to three or four harridans cackling, plus one non-harridan for interview/promo purposes.
Personally, I hate it – but it’s apparently popular in lots of houses. Go figure.