Joan Rivers in Sweary “Shocker”

Quite why anyone would put Joan Rivers on a live show is beyond me, with her reputation for swearing and so on. But ITV’s “Loose Women” did so – not even a delay in which to put a bleep in – although Rivers thought there was a bleep system in place.

And Lo, she swears, and then gets her section cut short.

All told, though – very funny.

2 Comments on “Joan Rivers in Sweary “Shocker””

  1. Blue Witch says:

    Our Nice Ladies have been given 20 tickets for this show. So far we’re having trouble finding more than 2 people to go because none of the rest of us have ever heard of it. Wanna ticket?

  2. Lyle says:

    God, No. I’d ended up throwing things at them.

    For Nice Lady info, it’s on ITV at about 1pm. Usually amounts to three or four harridans cackling, plus one non-harridan for interview/promo purposes.

    Personally, I hate it – but it’s apparently popular in lots of houses. Go figure.

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