Missing @Media
Posted: Wed 28 May, 2008 Filed under: @media2008, Geeky Leave a comment »Later this week, the @Media conference will be going on in London and for the first time in three years, I won’t be there. The timings would just be too tight, what with it being on Thursday/Friday, and with us supposed to be travelling to Wales (and then Ireland) on Friday.
In fairness, it’s saved me something like £500 all told – and in light of the expense of the car this week, that’s probably a good thing – but it’s still a bummer to be missing it. For me, there’s a whole bundle of things I’d be going to see if I were there – except of course that I’m not – so I know it’ll be a worthwhile investment to go next time.
All told, I’m disappointed I’m not going this time round – but I’ll definitely be there again in the future.