Iron Man
Posted: Mon 12 May, 2008 Filed under: Reviews(ish), Thoughts 3 Comments »So another film adaptation of a comic book. Ho hum. However, this one’s got Robert Downey Junior in the starring role – which should at least guarantee it’s watchable.
In fairness, Iron Man was actually OK. I’ve seen far worse comic-book adaptations (I’m looking at you, Hulk) but nor is it one of the best – not by a long chalk.
The storyline has a lot of bits that feel like afterthoughts, or “Oh yeah, we could do that” moments. Effects-wise it’s fantastic, and Jeff Bridges makes for a pretty good baddie – but all the same it’s let down (in my opinion) by a pretty ropy and by-the-numbers storyline that leaves too much stuff either a) up in the air or b) forgotten about.
Compared to the (currently re-showing on BBC) Indiana Jones trilogy, it really shows its weakness – Iron Man’s OK to watch once, but would I think “Oooh, good” if I saw it on TV in even ten years time? Absolutely not.
Ohhh poo. You are judging these things the wrong way. These movies aren’t about plotlines they are about fun.
And come on, was that a great closing line or what… 😉
Oh, it was definitely fun – but I do prefer a film that has a decent plotline too.
I’m just odd that way…
And yeah, not a bad closing line – left it wide open for Iron Man 2, as well. (Also, I noticed that Downey Junior also plays Tony Stark in the new Hulk movie too, which amused me)
There’s a reason that he’s in the Hulk movie and that is hinted at by the appearance of Samuel L. Jackson after the credits as Nick Fury, director of SHIELD, turning up to talk to Stark about “The Avenger Initiative” which is basically the formation of The Avengers which includes the Hulk and Iron Man in it’s ranks (as well as Captain America, Thor and some other people).