Garden Work

Most of the weekend’s been spent out in the garden, which has been really nice. There’s been some hard work – finishing off the extension to the woodshed, so it’s about another eight foot long and will take another six months worth of wood. (at least)

Over the summer, we’ll be ordering another trailerload of wood, so it can season properly- we’ve got enough for a couple of months once it gets cold again, but we want to have more in stock than that, and be able to have it used in rotation – some of the wood we buy this summer may not get used ’til Winter ’09, by which time it’ll be good and seasoned. That’s the plan, anyway.

We’ve also been doing a buttload of weeding – it’s nowhere near completed, but we’re getting there and will continue with it during the week as well.

So that’s been the weekend, really. Not much else happened (except for seeing Iron Man, of which more in another past) but it’ll be good to go back to work for a rest…

2 Comments on “Garden Work”

  1. Blue Witch says:

    ‘Weeding’ and ‘completed’ in one sentence? 🙂

  2. Lyle says:

    Ah, but separated by “nowhere near”, so all’s well with the world…

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