
Yesterday, I mowed the grass for the first time this year. It really should’ve been done a couple of weeks ago, but the weather at the weekends has been so wet that it just wasn’t feasible to do it.

Which, of course, meant that the grass was high enough it was almost obscuring the dog. It certainly obscured a lot of her toys – and some other “presents” she’d been leaving in the garden. You can see where this is going, can’t you?

At least the mower started up first time (well OK, on about the third or fourth pull of the starter) which I really wasn’t expecting – I know my technical abilities all too well.

But it worked, and once I knew it was working, I went round the garden on poo-patrol (or shit-shovelling, as it’s also known) so that I didn’t hit anything too sludgy. I even picked up most of the dog toys that were visible – they have a nasty habit of buggering mower blades, among other things. (They also cause the dog to get all stressy – she’s not a fan of losing toys) Fairly successfully, I thought – a full bag of poo, for one thing.

And yet still, while doing the grass there was that *thunk* noise of a dog toy (this time a rubber ball) as well as the far-too-familiar *splut* sound, as freshly-laid dog-egg hit the spinning mower blades.

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