
It’s that time of year when farmers start to work at making their fields all lovely and fertile for their crops later in the year. Not being a farmer, how do I know this?

Because around us, every single farmer is out spreading manure, fertiliser, and all manner of other stinky items on their fields. It fuckin’ reeks round here today, I can tell you.

So yes, living out in the bum-end of nowhere does have it’s down-days, despite being generally bloody great. And today is one of the down-days. Hey Ho.

4 Comments on “Stinky”

  1. Matt says:

    The pervasive smell of shit is the only good reason I can think of for not living as far away from a city as possible.

  2. Lyle says:

    I have to say, it’s not a pervasive smell – it’s a couple of days every few months, could be a lot worse. Of course, it also means that we try and avoid taking Hound out just after they’ve spread shit on the fields, because the mucky cow’ll roll in it, but other than that all’s well.

  3. Skytower says:

    Where there’s muck, there’s brass…

  4. Lyle says:

    Or, in this case, crops.

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