Posted: Fri 4 January, 2008 Filed under: Cynicism, Driving 5 Comments »Yeah, another post about driving, and car lights. I’m driving in to work between 6.30 and 7.30 in the morning at the moment, so it’s where I start waking up and thinking about something for D4D™. Them’s the breaks.
Anyway, another thing that surprises me when I’m driving at night (or in darkness, anyway) is just how many people drive with knackered headlights – usually where only one is working. Now, how come people don’t notice this? I haven’t ever had a knackered headlight, but I figure I’d notice if I could only see half the road, for example.
OK, I suppose that these people could all be on the way to the garage to get the headlamp replaced – but somehow I doubt it.
I don’t suppose anybody does what my father used to do every week – check that lights and horn were working, plus also check things like tyre pressure and oil and water and whatnot. And I bet most of them do far more weekly mileage than he ever did.
people are just plame stupid when they get behind the wheel, when i had my car i gave it a basic check over once a month and also when iam around at ngiht the people who drive with no lights on at all amazes me surely they must know cos the dash board will be in darkness
What really annoys me is when people have two headlights that work, but are focussed straight into my eyes when they’re dipped, and presumably point into the sky when on full, and they don’t notice that either. Tossers!
Last time I had a headlight go, I only noticed when I pulled up behind someone in a queue. I was pleasantly surprised, though, how easy it is to change one yourself.
Perhaps people can’t cope unless they have a voice from the dashboard to do their thinking for them. I drove into that pond because the satnav told me. Is it just me thinks satnav is the spawn of satan?