Back to “Normal”

So yes, it’s January 2nd, which means that things are back to normal work-wise – or at least as normal as they get round here, anyway. Which means I’m back to getting up at about half five, leaving the house by half six, and in to the office about an hour later, depending on traffic. And believe me, that’s hard to do after ten-ish days of not having to get up ’til respectable times.

As it is, my current workplace has decided that they only need me for two days per week during January, so most of the month is going to be spent working on my own bits and pieces, but also looking for a new contract as two days per week (while it pays the bills) is a bit of a joke really, so I need to sort out some ‘proper’ work as well as all the bits I do extra.

Other than that, it looks like I’m going to be driving in during January, rather than bothering with the train. The daily price has gone up to £19, (a 5.5% rise, by my dodgy calculations) which adds up to £38 per week, whereas driving for the two days will take less than quarter of a tank, which comes to something like £25 per week. If I’m organised, I’ll get a free parking place at the office on those days, so even that won’t be an issue or any extra cost.

All told, yes, things could be worse – even just the two days per week will pay all the general bills, so anything else is a benefit. (No, not benefits, just a benefit) At the same time I get a lot more freedom to develop my own business and private stuff a lot more, and see how that goes. So it could be worse – I’d just rather be a bit more organised about these things, personally.

Still, new year, new start, and all that guff. See how it works out, but I’m definitely going to be checking out what’s available for other work, believe me.

One Comment on “Back to “Normal””

  1. Blue Witch says:

    At this stage in the tax year, you may find that working less will not ‘cost’ you as much as you think.

    Public transport in this country is a joke. Discuss.

    HNY by the way.

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