Posted: Sun 7 October, 2007 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Getting Organised, Own Business, Work-related |Leave a comment »With the changes in workload, time management and business levels that I’m currently going through, I’ve decided it’s also time to make some changes to the ways I (attempt to) organise myself. One of these is that I need to do more ‘to-do’ lists, and just generally plan my work schedule and tasks far better than I do at the moment – I tend to do fairly well on remembering what I’m doing, but as things progress I know I need to do better.
So I’ve ordered a whole bundle of notepaper and pre-printed to-do list sheets for my Filofax. I haven’t been using the filofax this year as much, because all the information that was in it is also held on at least one item from my PC, laptop, and phone – along with backups on other devices. So I’m going to remove all the redundant pages from the filofax, and just use it as a diary and for notes and to-do lists.
We’ll see how it goes, but it should work for the best. Customising the Filofax to my requirements is a good plan – then I just have to use the damn thing.