Access code
Posted: Tue 26 June, 2007 Filed under: 1BEM, Cynicism, Domestic, Getting Organised 3 Comments »One of the things I’m abysmal about remembering is the access code to the wireless network at home. Both laptop and PC remember it now (and the PC even remembers it between network cards, which is useful when one goes tits-up – of which more tomorrow) so I don’t bother so much.
Except when there’s new devices in the house (and currently it’s the in-laws’ laptop), when I need to track down the booklet that’s got it in. Which, having only just moved, could prove interesting tonight, when I’m hunting for it.
If I had any common sense, I’d write a little text file reminder, and dump it somewhere obscure (and emphatically not named ‘wireless network access code’ – although, on second thoughts, maybe that’s so obvious it’d be obscure in itself) on both laptop and PC, so that when I need it, I can just call it up.
Maybe I’ll remember to do that this time…
Wireless network access code reminders are what USB thumbdrives were invented for.
Indeed – or they would be if I weren’t such a fuckwit, and kept losing them and/or washing them…
Get a USB keyring, then.