56k (Again)
Posted: Thu 31 May, 2007 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Geeky, Own Business, Thoughts, Work-related |4 Comments »In some ways it’s actually kind of interesting to be back on 56k dial-up for a few days.
I’d forgotten just how slow it really is, and how much I take for granted that I can access pretty much anything I want without having to wait for it. (As Lionel said) YouTube is an absolute no-no – not that I use it all that much anyway, but still.
And it’s surprising just how many sites fall into the trap of taking broadband for granted. Some of the sites I’ve done certainly do – although, thankfully, not the photography portfolio site, which still loads pretty quickly. (well, in comparison to other photo sites, although it’s still painfully slow on the available bandwidth)
Taking a positive from this enforced period of online-dragging is that I’ve now checked all the sites I’ve done of late, and there’s at least one that may get a rewrite at some point because of those tests. But for the most part, I’m actually feeling quite chuffed that none of them are too painful to load up on this slow-ass piece of crap non-broadband connection.
I dare to ask but… how fast is mine to load on ye olde modem?
Not too bad. Haven’t checked exact times, but it seemed to be OK. I could look at it, anyway…
I’ve had to cope with dialup for a year and hated it. It is not just the speed, it’s the not having it on all the time.
I am on my business trip and the only choice I have is a GPRS connection through my cellphone. Not only it is slower than 56k but I have to pay for the bandwidth as well. What a change from high-speed T1 connection!