Take the Hint
Posted: Wed 28 March, 2007 Filed under: Cynicism, Weirdness 1 Comment »While we were away last week, Radio One were doing a big promotion about getting someone to join the cast (pardon the pun) on Castaway, the BBC’s latest attempt at ‘reality’ TV. Within the promo, there was one person from the existing cast who was quoted as saying
If I walk into a room with ten people in it, eight of them will hate me within ten minutes
Now maybe I’m missing something, but if that were me, I’d try taking the hint, and realise that perhaps I’m not the nicest person on the planet. I’d do something to change it.
But no, this nong sounds quite proud of it…
Oh god, have you watched it? He truly is a nong. I’m waiting for the polar bear, the black smoke or the Others to come along.