Posted: Wed 7 February, 2007 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Geeky, Web Development, Work-related |1 Comment »Note : This post is sickeningly immodest. Live with it
There are some days where I just realise that actually, I’m pretty bloody good at what I do. This has been one of those days.
On Monday, Gordon asked me about a problem he was having with the Post Of The Week site, and the problem degenerated into a complete fight with WordPress, SQL, and PHP. We made some progress yesterday with it, but then another problem (with the archive pages) cropped up as well.
Anyway, Tuesday night it left us both fairly stumped – if life were simple, it would’ve worked no worries – but of course WordPress isn’t like that when you get right into it, so the entire problem needed a bit more braintime.
In the course of half an hour this morning, I’ve got it sussed, and fixed the problem completely. And I can’t deny, I’m quite bloody chuffed about it – hacking WordPress to pieces isn’t part of my ‘normal’ skillset, but on this occasion it’s all worked really well.
OK, that’s it, I’m just going to sit quietly in the corner now, ’til next time.
You are more than “pretty good” mate!