
Today, my head is completely elsewhere.

In fact, it’s in Geekworld completely. I’m currently developing three websites at the same time, which can get pretty confusing, it has to be said. But it’s going well, so I’m hoping to have made a fair load of progress by the end of the day, and to be pretty much completed on at least two of them by the end of the week. Should be interesting.

And just to make life that little bit more complex, the site list I’m working on doesn’t include the one for my own company, nor the CV. However, as well as the sites I am working on, I’m also working on a framework idea, so that I’ve got all the basic stuff in place for any of the other new sites that’re still on the planning schedule.

Anyway, that’s where my head’s at today. There may be other updates today, but I really wouldn’t count on it!

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