Web Work
Posted: Tue 2 January, 2007 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Domestic, Own Business, Web Development, Work-related |Leave a comment »Over the last few days, I’ve been writing a website for a small business that Herself is starting. It’s fairly cool, to be fair, and I’m pleased with the results so far.
One thing that’s been a complete pain in the arse, though, is that the business will initially be dealing with payments via PayPal – which is a good system, and works well in general – but man, is it a pain in the arse to get set up. Once I’m done, it’ll all work fine, I’m sure, and it’s been fun to write a shopping cart section for the site as well. Ah yes, the joys of eCommerce as well.
Anyway, it’s been interesting, and once it’s completed, I’m sure I’ll add some publicity somewhere, as well as sorting out the Google SEO stuff for it.