
On the credit card I got back in July, the interest-free period expires on 31st December.

And, I’m pleased to say – not that this will mean a sod to anyone else – I’ve paid off the lot. This has been the next step in what I wanted to do – having the credit card, using it (lots) for expenses, equipment and so on, and then having it completely paid off by the time the interest-free period expires.

I’ll use it now for a couple of small purchases per month, and pay it off. Maybe a slightly larger purchase every so often that gets paid off over two or three months, with a little bit of interest. That’ll keep everyone happy.

It’s all part of the plan, building up my credit score, generally making myself out to be a ‘responsible’ person. And so far, everything’s going to plan. Even my current account, having just got through the Festering Season, is in credit – and I’m still due for December’s pay, so that’s healthy too.

And I hae to say, all things considered, that’s a pretty good feeling.

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