Posted: Fri 22 December, 2006 Filed under: Weirdness 4 Comments »Walking to the office from the station this morning, I couldn’t help but notice this.
Someone – some weird, utterly fucked up human being – had decided to have a crap in the middle of the path.
Now, I’ve now idea how fresh it was – all I can say is that it wasn’t steaming (and no-one had yet stepped in it) – but all the same, what on earth would drive someone to drop their pants in public, take a shit on the street, and then walk off?
The mind boggles.
How do you know it was a person, rather than an animal? I’m no expert in shite so I don’t know the difference, do you?
Maybe it had sweetcorn in it…?
If that was an animal, it was a fucking pony.
And while I’m no expert, I’m also familiar with dog and cat shit, and this most definitely had that kind of human aspect to it.
I’ve known someone take a dump in the middle of a nightclub before, so anything’s possible.