Posted: Fri 10 November, 2006 Filed under: Customer Services, Weirdness 2 Comments »As I think I’ve said before, I’m a member (or gullible sucker, whichever) of one of those mail-order book club things.
Usually, they’re not too bad, and at least I get the books I want while not paying through the nose for them from Waterstones etc.
Anyway, this month I’d ordered The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly, one of my favourite authors. And that’s definitely what the delivery note said they’d sent, too.
Only when I opened the box, it wasn’t the Book of Lost Things at all. Instead, it was this…
Yes, “Mustn’t Grumble” by Terry Fucking Wogan.
Now really, how the blinking chuff do you get those two mixed up?!? The mind boggles…
They lost The Book Of Lost Things, and you’re complaining about Musn’t Grumble.
Is this some sort of Dadaist book club?
I once ordered a Michelle Shocked CD and got sent Daniel O’Donnell instead.