Posted: Fri 3 November, 2006 Filed under: Domestic, Thoughts, Travel 1 Comment »Things are likely to be quiet this weekend. We’ve gone off down to the wilds of Somerset. Primarily this is to keep Hound away from the worst ravages of fireworks (ravages? Barrages? Either works) by being in the arse-end of nowhere.
Personally I still quite like fireworks, although I’m sure some of that’s also down to being born on Fireworks Night, but at the same time I do hate the way they seem to be everywhere for about a month either side of November Fifth now, and I hate the way they affect Hound.
I would still like to see fireworks completely banned from sale to the public – and with some heavy fines to anywhere that did sell them. However, that doesn’t mean I want to see fireworks banned. I just want to see them only used in properly organised public events, rather than being set off by people in their back gardens without any real safety or consideration of others. I’d like to see public displays, but not displays by the public, if that makes sense.
Anyway, we’ll be back on Monday, and while there’s almost certainly going to be some updates over the weekend, it’s going to be quieter than usual.
Have a good one.
Happy birthday!
I was at a concert in July that finished with fireworks and they were lovely, really good fun, spectacular, and I got some nice photos. Of course, they were properly organised and not scary.
I don’t have a problem with the municipal displays in the parks and commons, nor the semi-private ones at rugby clubs and scout huts, which are run in general by mature responsible adults. But it’s half twelve and they’ve been going off since four o’clock, in a densely populated area, and I keep jumping.
One of Jimmy’s customers had a rocket thrown into his house the other night. It exploded in the baby’s cot. Fortunately, the baby was in the living room, but can you imagine how they felt?
The miscreant was identified and ‘local justice’ was meted out…