Next Week

So yes, after the Travelodge mistake, I’ve booked somewhere very different for next week. But at least it has broadband and wireless across the entire place. And my commute/walk looks like it’ll be about five minutes at most between hotel and office.

Mind you, they’ve got a fucking horrible website, and the booking procedure’s been a nightmare. Like I’m going to send my credit card details (particularly when they ask for card number, expiry date, and the security number off the back) through email. Dullards.

But still, it should be pretty swanky for a week’s stay. I love this expenses lark…

Mind you, following that I’m going to be back in the B&B I started with, and I’ve managed to wangle access to their wireless network now (Not something they offer as standard, it has to be said) so that makes it more likely I’ll stay there for the rest of the duration. They’re not the greatest place, but it does fulfil all the requirements – the only one it really missed out on was the internet connectivity, so now that’s sorted too, it should be fine.

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