
Yes, my final day in London, and my final day of officially working for Arsehole Boss. It’s a day I’ve been looking forward to for quite a while now, and finally it’s upon us.

Actually, there’s really not all that much point in me being here. But it does allow me to hand over anything important, and let people know passwords etc. Although it does look like I’m actually going to be kept in the loop for a while on some of the stuff – which I don’t mind at all – and possibly get called on if things go tits up. The reason? Because they’ve realised that there’s no-one else in the company who knows how to do one hell of a lot of the things that I’ve been doing. Which just makes things all the more amusing.

One nice revelation, though. They’re also finally clicking on to the fact that Arsehole Boss doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about for a good 99% of the time. And the other 1% is just stuff he’s heard along the way and repackaged to make it sound original. They’ve currently suspended him for being an utter cock (not actually the technical reason – that’s about changing system passwords and user roles etc. so that he was the only person with access to the company sites etc.) and so there’s still a good chance that he’s going to be out on his ear too.

But I don’t care any more. I’m out of the business, and that suits me just fine.

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