Travelling to Work

Bleh. I’ve just been looking at the ways I’m going to be getting to the new job in Cambridge, and all I can say is “Bleh”.

Because of the way we’re doing things initially, I’m going to be travelling up to Cambridge on the Monday morning, staying there ’til Friday, then coming home for the weekend. Luckily, the new job is very cool and understanding about that kind of thing, and they’ve no problem with it. Besides, they know I’m going to be working more than 9-5 on the days when I am there, as there’s no constraint on me having to be back home, etc. etc.

Anyway, looks like I’m going to be awake horrifically early on a Monday morning, as I’m going to be on a 7am train in order to get to Cambridge for about 10am. Blech.

And, of course, Hound will need to be taken out before I get the chance to have anything respectable like breakfast or owt. That’s the joys of setting up a routine – she then doesn’t understand that just because I’m awake earlier, the routine should change too. So it’ll be getting up, taking her out, then having breakfast before getting to the station. *shudder

Ah well. Could be worse. And at least I’ll be getting paid back the £66 it’ll cost me…

2 Comments on “Travelling to Work”

  1. Suze says:

    Good luck with the new job, I hope everything works out fine. Nice to bump in to a fellow Brit blogger.

  2. Damo says:

    Two things, don’t whatever you do actually ask the rail people in Cambridge anything as they are very surly. Kind of a “bugger off, I’m tired vibe” – all day long.
    2 – Do not get taxis here, they overcharge a load, for one of the smallest cities in existence.

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