
At the moment I’m really not in the mood to do much at all.

I find that I get really hacked off with people who don’t do what they say they will (as regular readers may have noticed over the last few months) and the council where I’m supposed to be going for the new job is managing to seriously piss me off before I even join them.

It’s now three weeks since they offered me the job, and they still haven’t bothered even sending a written confirmation of that offer. Needless to say, I’m not actually handing in my notice ’til I get the entire thing in writing, and so it doesn’t actually affect me all that much that they’re obviously fucking incompetent. And besides, I should’ve known that this is what they’d be like, and expected all the crap that’s been flying around.

But really, it’s not rocket science, is it? Having all your paperwork and budget crap ready to go when you actually do get round to offering someone a job? Or am I being unrealistic?

Anyway, it all just gets me down. Combining that with other fuckwit stuff to do with other sites I’ve been working on, and it’s all just built up to a point where I’ve had enough.

In fact I walked away from one of the website projects last week, having got to that point where it was either walking away, or getting done for murder. I figured it was better to walk away – and it’s certainly dropped my stress levels like a stone. But it’s still frustrating to have to deal with people so chaotic you wonder how they manage to get dressed in the morning, or to handle website requirements for someone who really doesn’t know what they want, just that they’ve been told they need to have a website.

There’s a lot of other stuff going on as well, but that’s just a small dollop of braindump on the matter.

One Comment on “Unsettled”

  1. Gordon says:

    Yup, having walked away from a project I can confirm it’s a huge relief. Although in the case of the council I’d say it’s more a ‘business as usual’ kinda thing as they’ve never been that flipping organised when I’ve had any dealings with them.

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