You’ll Never Put A Better Bit Of Butter On Your Knife

One of the best print adverts I’ve seen recently is for Country Life butter. (Most people will probably best remember Country Life for it’s slogan that’s the title for this post, and the “buttermen” adverts)

The Ad points out that Anchor (their nearest rival in the market) is made in New Zealand, then shipped over in frozen containers across half the world. It’s a bloody good point…

2 Comments on “You’ll Never Put A Better Bit Of Butter On Your Knife”

  1. Jann says:

    Quite. Why anyone would buy dairy any food produce from the other side of the world is beyond me.

  2. Andy says:

    Exactly Jann, reports of 90% of our fruit produce being imported from abroad does my nut in, we could reduce the number of carbon miles used in importing this stuff if people in this bloody country would buy British, it’s an old campaign but it has several serious points to it……. one of them is environmental considerations. Who wants Asparagus from Peru for example, it’s a seasonal product, when its gone its gone …….. not in our supermarkets it aint and there lies a lot of the blame. I always look for British food and I am prepared to pay more for it.

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