At Home
Posted: Fri 21 July, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Domestic, Work-related |3 Comments »I’ve managed to sort it out so that today I’m working from home. Initially this was because there was going to be a train signaller’s strike today, but turns out that’s been cancelled, only no-one’s actually told anyone at work. Which means that all the people who go in by train are now working from home. Heh.
Anyway, yes, as it turns out I could’ve gone in, but to be honest I really couldn’t be bothered to do so. That’s the payoff for treating your staff like shit – they just don’t want to make the effort if they don’t have to. Reap what you sow, and all that.
So yes, working from home. Which actually translates as “doing other stuff that interests me”.
I’m working at home as well. I find I can get a ‘days worth’ done by about 2pm leaving the rest of the day free for me.
I find if I work at home for deliveries or transport strikes I am depserately inefficient, but if I work at home for deadlines I can operate much much better
I find my efficiency is directly connected to how much I could give a shit.
Currently, I couldn’t give a shit, so my efficiency is rock-bottom too.