Weight Stuff
Posted: Wed 12 July, 2006 Filed under: Health, Resolutions 6 Comments »OK, I went to the gym last night for a “reprogramme” on what I do. It was supposed to happen last week, but well, I forgot my kit, and it all generally went a bit tits up.
So last night was the one. And I did OK – I’ve a new programme of work, which should be interesting. I nearly passed out on the rowing machine, but that’s because the instructor told me to breathe on each stroke (Hello Google), and once you start doing 34 breaths a minute – well, OK, once I start to do 34 breaths a minute, I end up hyperventilating. Which really isn’t much good or much fun, and doesn’t tend to do much for one’s health. Particularly when one almost bounces one’s head off the next rowing-machine along.
But anyway. The weird bit is this : Back in January when I went for the initial session my BMI was 30.1. I’ve since lost about a stone, and lost a lot of visible fat. So how come my BMI is now 33.3?
Or is it all just a load of old bollocks, and nothing I should worry about?
It’s about as reliable as ur man, Blair……….utterley not!
BMI is a guide. The best way to find out how you’re really doing is to get your body fat measured.
Hold on though: how did you find out your BMI? If you’ve lost weight then your BMI *must* go down – it’s dependant on height and weight and – unlike BMR – age isn’t a factor. The caculation is your weight in kgs / your height in metres squared. So, if you weigh 100 kilos and are 2m tall, your BMI should be 25.
The reason that it’s bollocks is that if you’re 6’2″ and weigh 107kg (a la Arnie Governator when he was competing), your BMI would be 30+ (clinically obese) even though your body fat would be about 6%.
I believe Tom’s last paragraph reveals the answer (it’s all bollocks).
The only possible explanation is that you are getting shorter.
Or that you are wearing more clothes and heavier shoes.
As Tom says, BMI is height, weight dependant. Have you grown?
Muscle weighs more than fat, so yo’ve lost weight in muscle and replaced it with fat?
In any case it’s all bollocks. I know it sounds cliched but I’m big boned. I will graciously admit that I have curves, too, in fact I’m a bit plump and could do with some toning. To be truthful I have big boobs and a beer gut. Technically I’m 15 kgs over-weight. If I say that to people, they’re shocked and don’t know where I’d lose the 15kg from.
Consensus, 7 maybe.
If I did a sensible exercise and balanced eating regime for 3 months, I’d lose the beer gut, tone up the incipient batwing arms, and probably put on 5 kgs…