After the farce of the Shuttle box – which never worked, and cost me far too much with fuck-all effect – I finally gave up a while back, having concluded (with the help of friends) that it was epically fucked. I’ve since written to Shuttle, and heard fuck all, and written to Micro-Direct (who I bought it from) who have responded with “Not our problem.”

Anyway, on Tuesday I ordered a new PC from Dell, of all places. Not a world-shaking bit of kit, but not bad either – 3.0Ghz dual core processor, 2Gb RAM, blah, blah, blah – and of course I can then also shove in the RAM I got for the shuttle box, plus the DVD writer, and up the score with it even more.

So I ordered it on Tuesday. And it arrived today.

Not bad service at all – of course, we still have to check it’s all a) there, and b) working. But that’s the work for tonight, and then migrating stuff over the weekend. Oh goody…

One Comment on “PC”

  1. Gordon says:

    Not had a single problem with my Dell, and it’s had RAM upgrades, additional hard drives, DVD writer installed by me as well.

    Ohh there is a script SOMEWHERE on the net which will ‘de-Dell’ it for you… I don’t use any of their pre-installed stuff.

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