Posted: Mon 8 May, 2006 Filed under: Domestic, Getting Organised Leave a comment »One thing Herself and I have talked about several times is changing the provider of our landline phone. (and thus our broadband access as well) When we got together, Herself was on NTL, and has been since – and while the service hasn’t been bad per se, it’s not been good either. But because of various things, contracts, etc., we’ve never got round to changing it.
Until this weekend. Finally, the contract was over and done with, and it’s time to move back to BT. Yeah, they’re not great, but in general I’ve never really had a problem with them. And they’re a shitload cheaper than NTL, for a far less shonky service.
The changeover has started off really well – I got through, told them what I wanted, they’ve processed it, and now we have to wait for the engineer to come round and connect the line.
Unfortunately, that’s going to take two weeks – bummer, but there we go. Still, in the meantime it gives me time to sort out who we’re going to use for the broadband, and hopefully get that connected soon after getting the BT line connected.
Even better, it’s going to be in my name, which means I’m slightly more “on the radar” than I have been in the last fifteen months…