Posted: Thu 20 April, 2006 Filed under: Own Business, Thoughts Leave a comment »Regular readers may recall that in November 2004 I did a couple of nights work doing sone photography stuff for a local (well, local at the time) charity. At the same time, I created their website, and the photos were used on both the website and their annual report and publicity material.
Since then I’ve stayed in touch, and recently they asked me to update some of the content on the site, and also to do a report on how well used the website has been in the last year or so.
I did the report last night, and I have to say, I’m pretty pleased with the results. Since January ’05 when the site went live, they’ve had 14,500 visitors, and the website has served just over 30,000 page views. The charity itself is pretty pleased with those results too – it’s a good figure for the first year, and hopefully will keep on expanding as time goes on.