Canon Software

Over the years I’ve got used to the software provided by Fuji with their cameras for moving photos from camera to computer. Well, I say software, but the primary piece is just a driver so that you can copy stuff via USB straight down. Simple as that – it takes about five minutes at most to dump the entire card onto the PC or laptop , just a basic file transfer.

However, with the new Canon SLR, things have changed. For some godforsaken reason Canon use software similar to an image scanner, so you can only move one image at a time. And it’s just taken me the best part of two hours to move seventy images across from camera to laptop. Not including the time it took to make three other attempts to move all the files at once, which resulted in a .tif file that ran to 560Mb before I gave up and quit the program.

I think I’m going to have to invest in a cardreader-to-USB device so I can simply slot in the EOS20D’s memory card and be done with it. But Jesus what a fag, although the alternative is an even bigger pain in the arse…

4 Comments on “Canon Software”

  1. Gordon says:

    Why not just use basic file transfer again? My Canon appears as a ‘drive’ on my PC…

    Picasa will handle the import to.

    And yes, Canon software SUCKS.

  2. Matt says:

    Picasa, every time. Imports all and makes rotating thumbnails and all that annoying time-consuming crap an absolute breeze. Dunno if it works so well with RAW images though, which is what you’d want it to do with a nice SLR.

  3. Lyle says:

    Yeah, the main point on this being that it’s the laptop that’s causing the problem, not the main PC. So maybe I should install Picasa on the laptop, but it’s had epic problems installing the drivers for the camera, so it’s listing under “pain in the ass” at the moment.

    And the problem with the laptop is that it’s a sub-laptop with no CD drive to call its own. If it had that, there’d be no worries. Just have to sort out the home network again (it fell over epically a few months back, and has never been the same since) and then all will be fine. Allegedly.

  4. farmer_dave says:

    i have got a cardreader and its great bit of kit only about 15quid as well, cant be easyer to download pics from camra card

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