… And The Living Is Easy

Sorry about the title, I just couldn’t resist.

Anyway, yesterday the clocks went forward, so now apparently it’s summer. Or at least Spring. Or something where the clocks have gone forward an hour anyway.

And I have to say, I really do like systems where the clocks change automatically. Usually my alarm clock does it too, being one of the “radio-controlled” ones that links to some International Time Signal or other. Rugby, I think. But this time it didn’t which led to a bit of confusion. Maybe it’s time to get some more batteries for the thing. I’ve had it about seven years now, and only changed batteries three times, so yeah, maybe it’s getting to that time. Or – gasp! – perhaps I should buy a new one. Nah, see how this one does first.

Anyway, the mobile phone changed automatically, so did the landline, all the computers, Sky+, TiVo, etc. But there’s always a couple you forget, aren’t there? I didn’t remember the WordPress clock (for d4d™) and can’t be arsed to change it anyway, and then there’s things like wall-clock in the kitchen, and central-heating. In fairness, Herself has changed the ones that need changing manually – I completely forgot – but I still find it surprising just how many things we have in everyday life to tell us the time. It’s like an obsession!

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