Posted: Thu 23 February, 2006 Filed under: Getting Organised, Thoughts 4 Comments »One good thing about moving phones over to the XDA is that it’s allowed me to (at last) sort out all my contacts, get them properly organised, and edit the bits that were necessary.
The downside of it is that for some reason some numbers don’t appear to have updated all that well, and the initial transfer process lost a couple of numbers too, so if you’ve been in touch recently (i.e. the last month or so) with me about changed/new mobile numbers, can you send the info again? Cheers.
But anyway, with the exception of those misplaced numbers, everything now actually makes sense, and is in some vague form of order.
On the subject of which, am I the only one who stores numbers (whether in mobile phone, or filofax/address book) by first name then surname, instead of surname, first name? (for example, in my method “John Smith” would be under “J”, whereas apparently most people would file it under “S”)
I do it by first name as well. I think it’s probably because my phone, like many others, doesn’t have a particularly generous allowance for the number of characters in a name. Since I wouldn’t be able to fit Lyle Destructionfordummies in, I have to make do with Lyle D. Surnames kinda lose all meaning at that point.
I’m a first name first guy too.
Ohh and do you store numbers with +44 or not? If you DO (and I think it’ll work) there is a wee app that someone wrote which will go through Outlook contacts and reformat them that way. saved me acres of hassle.
Ah good, glad it’s not just me.
As for the +44 bit, I tend not to, although it depends on whether it’s someone I’m actually likely to call from abroad. Herself has the +44 added, as do house numbers, parent’s numbers and the like, but most others don’t.
Hell, if I need to call them I’ll just add it in. Although the Sony-Ericsson phone actually added in the +44 automagically when I was roaming, which seemed pretty smart. No idea if the XDA’s that smart – after all, it does run Windows Mobile…
Everyone in Iceland does this. Everywhere. Even in the phone book. Well, when you live in a country where no one has a surname, there’s not much else you can do 🙂
And I also store all numbers in the international format (+44, +353, whatever…) I also have my phone number on my business card written in this style. Cue complaining from the thickos amongst us…”but how do I type a plus?” “oh, gimme yer phone….” There was talk several years ago of uniting the EU phone systems, which would have really promoted this style.
Actually, if you really want to be weird you could do what I do and list everyone by order of nickname – this started because where I work no-one seems to refer to anyone by their real name – we’ve got seven Mike’s for example, so they became Cosmic, SarfLondon, Hen Broon, Pele, SoberUp, Jenkins and Woodbrain…