Paper Tiger

Recently, Hound has discovered that ripping paper (or cardboard, or plastic) to shreds is a very satisfying experience for a dog. It also helps that it normally gets some attention, but she tends to do it when she’s either bored, or feeling like being naughty. It’s one of those things where it’s also actually quite difficult to tell her off, because in general it’s quite funny to watch, and she doesn’t do it to anything useful, only to items that have been discarded.

Last night, however, all went quiet. We can only surmise she was bored. Anyway, we went upstairs to find the landing covered in shreds of paper. She’d found a brand-new roll of (unused) bog-roll, and had summarily shredded the lot. Everywhere.


3 Comments on “Paper Tiger”

  1. Jann says:

    Love the parenthesised unused, Lyle. Does it mean you keep the used stuff about too? 😛

  2. Lyle says:

    No, it means “an unopened one, not the one on the bog-roll holder”.

    As well you know. 😛

  3. Daisy says:

    Oh dear, and doesn’t it get everywhere? You’ll be finding bits of it behind furniture for weeks. Or maybe I’m just a slattern. Mind, it could be worse, she could have shredded a pair of your brand new keks.

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