Smart Phone
Posted: Mon 13 February, 2006 Filed under: Thoughts 2 Comments »Now here’s an interesting piece, on the ideas that some people are working on with regard to making mobile phones “politer” and “smarter”.
I like the idea of a phone that realises you’re in a cinema, or somewhere quiet, and thus quietens its ringtone, or goes to vibrate only.
Some really interesting ideas in the article – I wonder how long it’ll be before they become reality?
My phone does that already… I’d imagine most phones have the ability to change these things.. no? Maybe it’s the fuckwit users that are the problem (stunningly insightful I know…).
Actually, technically, my phone CAN do that. It has profiles which you can set to ‘auto’ and whenever an appointment is in my calendar, the profile changes to “Meeting” automatically. So if I put in that I’m at the cinema, or having dinner, the phone changes to be quieter, or vibrate only (however I have the Meeting profile configured).
But then, mine already IS a Smartphone ™.
Yeah, I’m hoping mine will be able to do the same when I upgrade (10 days and counting – of which more later…). This is more of a thing about being able to do that automatically without setting it all up though – I figured it was interesting, seeing the way people are thinking about developing mobiles etc., and also with regard to forms of “AI” and machine logic.