
McVities have introduced – sit down before reading this – new flavours for Jaffa Cakes. There’s now Lemon & Lime jaffa cakes, and blackcurrant Jaffa cakes.

In the name of all that’s holy, why? The clue is in the name – Jaffa Cakes, meant to be made so the orangey bit tastes of Jaffa oranges. That’s why they’re called Jaffa cakes. What the fuck do you call a Lemon and Lime variant? It ain’t Jaffa, that’s for sure. Maybe “Kir Cakes” for the blackcurrant ones, or “Cassis Cakes”. Only then people wouldn’t realise that they’re alternatively-flavoured Jaffa Cakes.

Oi, Mr McVitie – Get your hands off our proper Jaffa Cakes, and leave ’em alone!

3 Comments on “*Shudder*”

  1. woman says:

    I used to buy rasberry flavoured ones when I lived in America. They also used to sell Terry’s chocolate rasberry. The Yanks have a problem with fruit and chocolate – according to them “fruit and chocolate just does not go together”. Yet more proof they are stupid.

  2. Jessica says:

    ok i have heard great things about these cakes/ biscuits(?) jaffa cakes and i think that they sound really good but i live in america and i haven’t seen them any where so i was just wondering if they were just a UK thing?

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