
For the first time this year, I managed to go out for a while yesterday with the camera in tow. Of course, it would have to be on a day when the weather was truly manky and foul, but there we go, beggars can’t be choosers.

Anyway, because of where we were, I wandered over to the village of Brill and got some photos (albeit grey and rainy ones) of the windmill there. I’m quite pleased with them, although it’s still more about learning the idiosyncracies of the new camera, and all that gubbins, before we go off to the Lake District in a couple of weeks time.

But anyway, it was good to get out a bit more with the camera – definitely something I intend to do more of as this year progresses.

3 Comments on “Windmill”

  1. Skytower says:

    Lake District – you lucky sod!

  2. Lyle says:

    Damn right – got a cottage up by Ullswater for the week, should be good. And hopefully plenty of chances for decent photos too…

  3. Steve says:

    Brill is just up the road from me (Bicester) so I tend to get over there in the summer for a wander around the area, it’s nicer when it’s sunny. My photo efforts are about as good as I could get with a cheapy camera:

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