Cold Day in Hell

Blimey, work’s dead stimulating today. Not.

OK, so we’ve finally been able to sort out the problems that plagued the set-up this morning – something to do with one of our American contingent rebooting servers, and getting it wrong, forgetting about some NTFS/Samba file shares that should’ve been unmounted before rebooting the servers, and then remounting them afterwards. Or something. I kind of know what he’s banging on about, but at the end of the day I don’t really care, and it could all be summed up by “So, what you’re saying is that you fucked it up, yes?“.

But since then, and since I’ve updated all the stuff I’d done over the last three days, getting it to work against Simon’s fuck-ups and failing-to-be-bothered-to-do-what-I-asked, it’s been fark-boring again.

So boring and dull, in fact, that I’ve even tidied up my desk, and got rid of a load of now-useless stuff from last year.

No, it doesn’t make me look any more efficient, or anything, but it was another of those “I really should do that at some point” jobs that days like today are made for.

One Comment on “Cold Day in Hell”

  1. Andy says:

    Always make sure ur desk is a mess, it allows you to gap fill your time with ‘admin’ on the timesheet.

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