Own Stuff

Of course, one good thing about working from home over the last few days has been that I also had the time (and, for once, the inclination) to sort out a sort-of-corporate(ish) website for my own private web-design stuff and so on. It used to be the site I used for my limited company, but as I folded that up last year, I needed to re-do some of the stuff so it was more about being me, rather than a limited company.

So I’ve spent time re-writing bits, re-organising other bits, and updating it as and when necessary. And now it’s live.

On that score I intend to keep work stuff and d4d™ a bit seperate, so I’m not going to add links between the two. I don’t mention d4d™ over there either, as it’s a personal site. Let’s face it, I’ve been known to bitch a bit about pain-in-the-bum clients before now, and I don’t want that to be easily linked to from the business side of things.

I’ve been thinking about putting a “workblog” into the other site, but as yet I’m still undecided. It smacks slightly of spreading myself too thin, to keep another blog even semi-updated as well as the regular stuff on d4d™, but it’s something I’ll keep on thinking about while I see how other stuff goes over there.

But at least it’s another thing struck off my “to-do” list.

3 Comments on “Own Stuff”

  1. razorhead says:

    presumably, you wouldn’t be able to swear on a workblog. Would you cope?

  2. Lyle says:

    Yeah, I could survive. Only it’d be fuckin’ dull.

    Oh bollocks, I swore again. Sod it.

    Oh shit.

    Oh…. keff.

  3. Gordon says:

    I’ve considered a ‘work blog’ for onemandesigns. Haven’t gotten around to it yet, might never. But I’m quite happy for my blog and my ‘pro’ site to be linked – transparency and all that.

    In other words, what if a customer finds this blog and adds 2 & 2?

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