Posted: Tue 7 February, 2006 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Getting Organised, Own Business, Thoughts, Work-related |1 Comment »Over on his site, Gordon’s talking (for some of the post) about how his workload’s about to explode.
It’s interesting, because at the moment I’m in kind of the same boat. In fact, my workload should have already exploded, but I’ve pushed a couple of deadlines back so that I’m not utterly rammed with stuff. One of the new sites I’ve been talking about was going to be going live on 1st March, but what with one thing and another, I’ve decided to push it back to somewhere around Monday 3rd April (what sane site would launch on April 1st?) instead.
If all had been sane in the world of Lyle, I’d have been well able to get the site done by the first deadline. However, what with the office being in a state of decorative flux, and the bathroom work that we’ve been doing, I’ve lost most of the weekends so far this year, which makes for developing to that deadline rather difficult. Also, we’re going to be away for the first week of March, which makes it rather daft to try sending a site live, then sodding off for a week. Talk about recipe for disaster.
Oh, and in there as well I’ve also got to build a new PC. Yes, attempt #2 now that I’ve got a new Shuttle box to replace the one ordered before Christmas that turned out to be a right lemon. (Sorting out the RMA (Return to Manufacturer) may take a bit more time, but at least we’ll have that new PC) Which may or may not be easy, when you also take into account the back-ups, moving across of data, email, bookmarks, music, etc. etc.,
And once I’ve got the first website done, I’ve got two other ideas hovering over the horizon, which I intend to get straight on with once I’ve sorted the first one. And in addition to that, I’ve started lining up some work for myself doing private sites (and in one case, redoing one I did a while back) which’ll keep the money coming in as well. Oh, and my normal job too.
So yes, the workload’s due to grow exponentially in the next couple of months. It’ll be interesting to see what actually comes out of it all, and whether the expectations and predictions I’ve made for them will come to fruition or not. Only time will tell…
Funny how these things pan out – if you need a hand with anything let me know! 😉