
I despair. I really do.

I’m working from home, so I’m not in direct communication with the office the same way I am usually. You know, through being in the same fucking room, for instance.

So when I left on Friday, I sent an email to El Boss, and to Simon, the fuckwit other developer, to say “Hey, I’m working from home on Monday (and for most of the week) so I’ll be working on x section. Please leave it alone, so I don’t end up with issues when it comes to putting it back in to the system”. You wouldn’t have thought that was difficult to handle, would you?

So today I’m working on x section, like I’d said I would. And what comes in from work, but an email to let me know that Simon, the fuckbunch, has changed – you guessed it – x section. The cunt.

So I’ve just dumped his change, and sent an email to El Boss and Simon explaining just why I’ve done it. So we’ll just have to wait and see if anyone says anything…

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