Posted: Mon 30 January, 2006 Filed under: Domestic 1 Comment »Again, blog-wise at least, it was a quiet weekend here. The office is now completely painted, and we’ve done a shitload of domestic gubbins (including replacing the recently-purchased Hoover with a Dyson, as the Hoover one had keeled over and died within a month)
Of course, moving the office round meant that the PC was in pieces on the desk – some things never change – and completely disconnected. So this morning involved getting everything back reconnected and working – and lo, it does.
But yes, a quiet weekend involving lots of domestic gubbins, dog-walking, and not much else. Which makes a change, and was really quite pleasant.
Tip for the Dyson – make sure you do clean the filter every so often (6 months they recommend!) We didn’t for 3 years (!) and it wouldn’t suck properly.