Posted: Fri 20 January, 2006 Filed under: Thoughts 1 Comment »According to the news today, a four-year study on mobile phone use has concluded that it doesn’t actually correlate with an increased prevalence of brain tumours in mobile phone users.
My opinion is that heavy mobile phone use just makes people act as though they’ve got brain tumours. (pre-assuming, of course, that there’s a brain there in the first place) I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been walked in to by people on the phone, or had to swerve round morons who’ve received a text message and apparently can’t walk and read/reply at the same time.
I suppose it’s a similar thing to the way the majority of BMW drivers are tossers. The car doesn’t make them that way – but there’s a correlation between being a tosser and driving a BMW. This was partly agreed on in this morning’s BBC News by Quentin Wilson. Talking about how the BMW 3 series (320d, to be exact) has been picked as What Car?’s Car of the Year, he prattled on about how people buy cars because they make them look sexier, or some such bollocks, and that’s why the BMW’s won this year.
Sorry, but a car doesn’t (and can’t) make you look sexier. Or, more accurately, maybe it can, but I doubt it makes that much of an impression on most people. Then again, I’m forever realising that I really don’t understand the general public all that much at all.
For some people it’s all part of the money=power=sex loop I guess.