One Year On
Posted: Fri 23 December, 2005 Filed under: Domestic, Thoughts Leave a comment »It’s hard to believe that this time last year I’d just left Oldham Council for the last time. Once that was done, I was heading down to Norfolk (As I am this year) and once that was done, moving to Bracknell to live with Herself.
There’s been a lot that’s happened in this last twelve months, and it’s all been pretty damn good.
2006 has a lot of stuff coming up too, but for now I’m just looking forward to getting on with it, and hoping it’s as productive as 2005 has been. I might even figure out that sweary filter for d4d if I get the chance. It’s only been in the offing for a year, after all…
Only without the equivalent of CrapCo, if possible.